Enriched Chelated Iron 10% Fertilizer

This product not only has 10% Chelated Iron (Fe) element but also has 8 other elements of Nitrogen, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Magnesium and Cupper and Organic Carbon with an optimal balance.

Advantage :

Treatment for iron deficiency and create balance in plant Nutrition
Fixing iron deficiency very quickly
Enriched to eliminate the iron element deficiencies increasing
Eliminate similar defects of iron deficiency Caused by simultaneous effect of Zn,Mn,Mg deficiency
Organic material supplier provider
Increasing the chlorophyllization in plants
Increasing quality and marketability of the product
Usability on all crops, orchards, greenhouses and pasture plants
Possibility to use in the forms of deep placement, in irrigation water and foliar spraying

Ingredients (Analysis) :

N 2%, P 2%, Mg 0.5%, Ca 0.7%, Fe 10%, Zn 1%, Cu 0.3%, Mn 1%, OC 10%, OM 15%

enriched chelate iron fertilizer

Foliar, Irrigation & DeepPlacement


1-2 Kg in 1000 liters of water


2-6 Kg per Hectare

Time of Use

All Plant Growth Stages except Flowering Time


50-100 gr per tree

Best Time to Use

After falling petals or the beginning of fruit formation