FruitSet ZnB Complex

fruit set fertilizer

Fruitset zinc and boron fertilizer with organic matter is produced with the highest quality and due to its positive effects of the combined use of zinc and boron elements in the growth of buds and flowering; Foliar spraying of this compound is very important in the swelling stage of the buds and before flowering. This fertilizer with a new formulation has elements of zinc and boron in a complex form along with organic materials, which has a better effectiveness and increases flowering, prevents dropping of blossoms, and the major conversion of flowers into fruits due to better fertilization. For better results and increase in flowering, it is recommended to use before flowering (bud stage) and after harvest in gardens.

Ingredients (w/v) :

N 4%, Zn 4%, B 0.4%, OC 4%, OM5%

fruit set fertilizer

How to use FruitSet Zn+B Complex Fertilizer


Foliar & Irrigation


2-3 Liters in 1000 liters of water


4-8 Liters per Hectare

Best Time for Use

Bud swelling or before flowering, fruit formation and after harvest

Benefits of Using FruitSet Zn+B Complex Fertilizer

  • Increases the flowering rate.
  • Reduces the dropping of blossoms.
  • Increase the conversion of flowers into fruits.
  • Increasing the quantity of products.
  • Contains organic materials.

What is Fruitset Period?

Fruitset refers to the time period that causes reproductive buds and flower production, or in other words, the stages of flower and fruit formation. The important thing is that with proper nutrition in these stages, it is possible to improve egg formation and development, improve germination, increase the amount of effective pollination in the spring season, increase the resistance of buds to cold, improve flowering and increase the quality and quantity in fruit formation.