Super Micro Plus Fertilizer

Super Micro Plus Ferilizer

Super Micro Plus Fertilizer is a multi-nutrient that contains 13 elements produced with high quality and is a well-known product that has all the elements needed by plants, with a special formulation and a combination of 13 food elements with maximum and complete absorption. This fertilizer can be used in all weather and soil conditions, which shows its effect in the fastest time and brings a significant increase in the gardens, crops and greenhouse products. This fertilizer creates a favorable balance of elements required by the plant and is a preventive and curative treatment of nutritional element deficiencies, which provides all the needs of the plant as a unique fertilizer. 13 Elements Super Micro Plus Fertilizer can be used through foliar, irrigation and deep placement applications.

Ingredients (Analysis) :

N 4%, P 1%, K 4%, Mg 0.5%, S 3.5%, Ca 0.7%, Fe 3%, Zn 2.8%, Cu 0.5%, Mn 1%, B 0.2%, Mo 0.1%, OC 10%, OM 15%

super micro plus 13 elements fertilizer
complete fertilizer

How to use Multi Nutrients Fertilizer


Foliar, Irrigation, DeepPlacement


1-2 Kg in 1000 liters of water


For crops: 2-6 Kg per Hectare
For Trees: 4-8 Kg per Hectare
For greenhouses: 1-2 Kg per 1000 square meters


50-100 Gr per each full grown tree

Time of Use

During the entire stages of plant growth

Benefits of Using Multi Nutrients Fertilizer

  • Contains 13 essential elements required by the plant.
  • It has balanced amounts of macro and micro elements.
  • Special formulation with high quality and efficiency.
  • Full and fast absorption.
  • Can be used in all garden, crops and greenhouse plants.
  • It can be used as foliar, irrigation and deep placement application.

The Role and Function of Constituent Elements in Plants:

Nitrogen element (N): It helps in rapid plant growth and leaf development, it is essential for protein synthesis and metabolic processes.
Phosphorus element (P): Promotes root development and improves flowering, is effective in seed and fruit growth, and is essential for photosynthesis and energy transfer in plants.
Potassium element (K): Strengthens the plants by influencing the initial growth and helps to retain water in the plant. It improves flowering, fruiting and early ripening and regulates metabolic activities.
Sulfur element (S): It is effective in the production of amino acids, proteins, enzymes and vitamins, and improves plant resistance against diseases.
Calcium element (Ca): It helps the growth and development of cell walls and is effective in the shelf life of fruit and facilitates cell metabolism.
Magnesium element (Mg): Essential for photosynthesis and helps to keep the green color of plants and the formation of nuclei.
Iron element (Fe): It is necessary to maintain chlorophyll in plants and plays a role in plant respiration and oxygen transport.
Zinc element (Zn): It is very important for the function of enzymes and regulation of hormones (such as growth hormones). It helps the synthesis of proteins and DNA and is effective in cold stresses.
Manganese element (Mn): It is effective in improving photosynthesis and is essential in the metabolism and absorption of nitrogen element. It is the activator of many enzymes and plays a role in the maturation of the plant.
Copper element (Cu): plays a role in plant metabolic processes and has a prominent contribution in increasing plant resistance to diseases. It is also necessary for the formation of lignin, an important component of cell walls.
Boron element (B): Is vital for the structure and function of cell walls. Effective in fertilization and improvement of flowering.
Molybdenum element (Mo): It is needed for protein synthesis and natural absorption of nitrogen in plants.
Organic materials (OM): effective in photosynthesis, strengthening plant growth and increasing productivity.

History of Production of Complete Super Micro Fertilizer:

The world of plant nutrition is a complicated and a fascinating world, and complete mixed fertilizers with macro and micro elements play an important role in improving the health and optimal growth of plants. Proper fertilization is essential for the growth of crops, gardens and greenhouse plants to achieve good performance per unit area and sustainable agriculture, because nutrients provide the basis for the growth, development and resistance of plants to environmental stresses. Understanding the differences between macro and micronutrients, as well as their respective functions, is the key to achieving maximum efficiency and high efficacy in these products.
In the late 2000s, Fanavar Sepehr Parmis Company designed and produced a new fertilizer based on market development research and considering the role and application of low-consumption elements alongside high-consumption elements in increasing production and improving the quality of agricultural products, known as Super Micro. Research had shown that paying attention to the balance of elements in soil and plants and the role of elements on absorbing each other is an important and significant issue; This important issue led to the design of a formulation that simultaneously treats and prevents possible deficiencies in crops and gardens and provides a balance of all the nutrients needed by the plant. Since at that time (in Iran) the use of micronutrient elements in agriculture was less and less known than macro fertilizers and only iron element was used as micronutrient in some crops and gardens; The experts at Fanavar Sepehr Parmis Company believed that paying attention to all nutritional elements in plant nutrition is particularly important and that all plant chlorosis is not related to iron, except for the use of phosphate fertilizers and nitrogen fertilizers, which had high and non-optimal consumption among farmers. Special attention should be paid to the production and consumption of complete and specific fertilizer to meet the plant's nutritional needs.
Therefore, Super Micro fertilizer was produced with a special formulation that has a suitable pH for better absorption in the soil and contains all the macro and micro elements with the observance of balance and new nutritional principles and technological methods. This fertilizer with its special compounds causes complete coverage of the plant in foliar application and provides maximum absorption by reducing the momentary acidity around the roots, which has the possibility of being used in foliar, irrigation and deep placement application. This product makes the plant grow faster and shows high performance in the shortest time. This fertilizer was initially produced with 11-element compounds and was upgraded over time by changing and improving the formulation for higher performance; And now it contains 13 essential elements needed by plants along with organic materials and special compounds.