

Plant Nutrition

  • Soil fertility is the key to achieving global food security or sustainable agriculture.  
  • One of the important tools for soil fertility is the use of fertilizers.  
  • The use of effective fertilizers and compliance with nutrition leads to maximum production per unit area.  
  • Due to the continuous harvest and use of the plant from the resources in the soil, it is important to pay attention to nutrition and the use of essential fertilizers.

Nutrient elements needed by plants that are used as fertilizers:

Primary Macro Elements

  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium

Secondary Macro Elements

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Sulfur

Micro Elements

  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Boron
  • Molybdenum

Mutual effects of elements on each other

  • Elements that help to absorb each other have a synergistic or stimulating effect, that is, in the presence of one or more elements in the soil, the amount of absorption of other elements increases.    
  • Elements that reduce each other's absorption have a reducing or inhibitory effect. Inhibition effects are negative effects, that is, too much of one element in the soil may make it difficult to absorb another element.

Synergistic effects

  • Phosphorus, magnesium and nitrogen on each other
  • Manganese, potassium and iron on each other

Inhibitory effects

  • Phosphorus and iron elements on each other
  • Phosphorus and zinc on each other
  • High amounts of calcium have an inhibitory effect on phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese and potassium.
  • High amounts of nitrogen have an inhibitory effect on copper.

Nutrient balance

  • Due to the synergistic and inhibitory effects of elements, the balance of nutritional elements should be considered depending on the type of plant and soil conditions. Therefore, excessive consumption of an element should be avoided because the more an element is used, the more it damages the balance of the other elements.    
  • The use of single-element fertilizers alone is valuable when it is done under the supervision of an expert and with accurate analytical information, but in general, it is recommended to use single-element fertilizers together with mixed fertilizers that include balanced ratios between macro and micro elements. take

Advantages of the balanced formulation of Sepehr Parmis Fertilizers

Effective formulation with synergistic elements for higher absorption of single element fertilizers
Adhering to a balanced and complete ratio of elements in the production of mixed fertilizers (such as complete super micro fertilizer)

The principles of fertilization and the use of proper nutrition

Adherence to preventions and essential tips for optimal use of high efficiency fertilizer

Basically, fertilization is used to enrich the soil and treat deficiency or prevent deficiency in plants, for this reason, knowing the soil and plant conditions is the first principle for recommending fertilizer.
Due to the different behavior of plants in different conditions, it is impossible to implement a single instruction in all recommendations and get the same result. Tracking the results of fertilizer recommendations during the growth stages (observing the state of plant growth, including changes in roots, leaves, and fruit) is mandatory, and in case of deficiency symptoms, the cause should be investigated and necessary changes should be made.
Examining soil conditions, including soil pH, the amount of soil organic matter and the soil conditions of each region (deficiencies or excesses of elements), water quality (acidity level and bicarbonate levels), the type of water system and nutrition carried out in the past, to determine the nutritional needs Current and recommended fertilizer is important.
Examining the results of soil testing is very useful, but it is not enough, because soil analysis generally does not determine the amount of elements accessible by the plant, and due to different reactions in soil conditions and sampling methods, it cannot be definitively relied upon.
Laboratory results and overall performance observations should be considered for fertilizer recommendations.

Attention to nutritional needs during growth periods

Deficiencies of elements spend a period of time in a hidden form before the symptoms appear, and appear when it has a direct effect on the plant's performance and stops the growth of the plant. To prevent the severity of deficiencies, the best solution is prevention and fertilization in The times are right.
Adhering to the optimal use of fertilizer is a principle and has always shown better results, and the belief that excessive consumption of any type of fertilizer will lead to better performance is a common mistake that should not be made.
Considering the difference in the nutritional needs of each plant and its variety, it is necessary to pay attention to the proportions and recommended amounts of elements for each plant and obtain information about it.
It is important to take into account the effects of elements on each other and observe the balance of the proportions of elements in the stages of fertilizer recommendations, observing the correct amount of consumption is also quite effective, for example, the range of deficiency and toxicity of boron element is very close to each other and the possibility of poisoning is more and should be Minimum amounts should be used for fertilizer recommendations.

Adhering to the time of use is very important to eliminate the deficiency and gain effectiveness. For this reason, the desired fertilizer should be consumed according to the conditions of the plant at its right and specific time. If the time of fertilizer consumption has passed, the fertilizer recommendation should be based on the current growth stage.

nano chelate fertilizers

Choosing the right fertilizer and Use at the right time It is important.