Repetitive Questions

The meaning of foliar spraying or spraying means spraying the combination of fertilizer and water in a certain ratio on plants, especially leaves (stem and fruit), which is called foliar feeding. Most elements can be absorbed by leaves, but foliar application of some elements such as iron, zinc, manganese, calcium and nitrogen are very important. Foliar spraying is mainly used in unfavorable soil conditions (high soil pH or calcareousness, fixed elements in the soil) and the occurrence of deficiency symptoms. But the meaning of irrigation fertilizer or root fertilization means that fertilizer is used with irrigation water, which is done by traditional irrigation (submerged) and modern irrigation under drip and rain pressure. In this method, the fertilizer composition is absorbed through the roots. Some elements such as phosphorus are better absorbed by the roots and cause the development and strengthening of the roots. depending on the facilities in the fields and gardens as well as the growth stage of the plants; Fertilizer recommendations vary. For example, in the stage of bud swelling or before flowering in gardens, it is better to use Frutset or Sepehr 3 foliar application method, or at the beginning of the growth stages, use 25% absorbable phosphorus fertilizer with organic matter by irrigation method, because Phosphorus absorption by the roots is important, and the purpose of fertilization is to stimulate the roots and increase root formation, and at this stage, fertilizing is important.

Macro elements are elements that the plant needs more of and have higher consumption amounts in plant nutrition. which includes 2 subgroups: primary macro elements which include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements. and secondary macroelements that include magnesium, calcium and sulfur.

Micronutrients or micronutrients include food elements that have a small amount of consumption in plants, but are very important and effective. And in addition to attention and consumption of macro elements, micro elements should also be used. The micro elements that are mostly used as fertilizers and we face a deficiency include iron, zinc, manganese, copper, boron and molybdenum.

Before using any fertilizer, carefully read the instructions on the label. Pay attention to the time of fertilizer application. Using fertilizer at specified times will increase its efficiency. Pay attention to how to use the product. Some cases should be used in the form of irrigation or foliar spraying. Be careful in choosing the right dose. It depends on the type of consumption and your irrigation system. If you need advice, contact the technical unit.

Deciding which fertilizer to use can be a bit confusing. But it is better to say that all nutrients are necessary for all plants and their amounts vary depending on the type of product. This choice depends on the type of soil, the condition of your plant and the feeding you have done in the past. You can see the types of fertilizers in plant nutrition programs in the fertilizer recommendations section or contact our experts and get free advice. It is also important to pay attention to the time and method of use in addition to choosing fertilizer.

Some farmers are interested in liquid or powder fertilizer based on the culture of different regions. This issue goes back to the experiences and weather conditions of each region. But in general, the difference between powdered (solid) and liquid fertilizers is based on the amount of elements in it. So that the amount of each type of fertilizer is different. For example, if foliar application of powdered magnesium chelate fertilizer; 1 kg per 1000 liters of water should be considered for foliar application of liquid magnesium fertilizer; 3 liters per 1000 liters of water should be used.

The frequency of fertilizing depends on factors such as the type of fertilizer, the type of plant, soil and watering conditions, and other factors. But there are times in plant nutrition that are important and they should receive a specific type and amount of fertilizer. These times and types of fertilizers can be seen in the fertilizer recommendations on this site. An important parameter in the repetition of fertilizing is the observation that the respectable gardener or farmer takes of the process of changes. For example, if a suitable fertilizer is used to solve the elemental deficiency, and after 10 days the deficiency is still observed, the opinion of the experts may be to repeat the fertilization. In general, it should be said that various parameters are effective in this regard. But paying attention to plant changes, past and present nutrition, soil analysis and plant conditions together allows for the correct decision regarding the amount of fertilization.

Any type of fertilizer must be used by the plant at certain times and in a certain amount. The belief that consuming more will lead to better results is not true in all cases. For example, in a land or a region that is facing a severe shortage of nutrients, if the amount of consumption is somewhat higher than the general recommendation, it will probably produce a better result. But in another place, excessive use of a fertilizer may cause an imbalance between nutrients. And this matter over time will disturb the nutritional balance and have bad effects. A simple example is traditional common fertilizers, which can cause serious damage if consumed in excess. But if the consumption is optimal and correct, the desired result will be obtained.

First, it is necessary to determine why the disease or the occurrence of the lack of elements in the plant or product happened. For this, you should review the amount of irrigation, fertilization and prevention for pests. Check the farms or gardens nearby to see if they have faced the same problem as you. It is very wrong to associate any jaundice with iron deficiency. Because all the lack of various elements and the occurrence of diseases and pests somehow cause yellowing in the plant. Diagnosing the type of jaundice is very important for treatment. In these cases, it is recommended to get help from experts to determine the type of disease or deficiency and then take action to fix it. Also, you can generally identify the lack of elements in plants by reading the page; Familiarize yourself with the descriptions and pictures of the deficiency of each element and make a more accurate diagnosis with the yellowing that you see in plants.

It is recommended not to combine poisons and fertilizers and use them in separate sprays. Because mixing reduces the effects of poisons and fertilizers. If it is necessary to combine a type of fertilizer and poison or Pesticides, first combine some of them in a small container and if there is no strong reaction or cutting or gas production, use the desired combination. Then, if possible, first spray some trees or bushes with the obtained mixture, and if no negative effects are observed after 3 days, spray the rest of the field, garden or greenhouse as well. It is also recommended that the following be observed:
Avoid mixing fertilizers and Pesticides containing copper elements in the ingredients.
Avoid mixing fertilizer with fungicides.
Avoid mixing fertilizer with herbicides.
Mixing fertilizer with insecticides is generally unimpeded, but it is recommended to do a mixing test before use.

Proper nutrition of plants improves their physiological performance in the face of environmental stress. It also preserves beneficial soil microorganisms. In general, paying attention to nutrition during the growth period and strengthening the plant with proper fertilization; It increases the resistance of plants to pests and diseases, for example, 35% absorbable potassium fertilizer by increasing plant sap increases plant resistance to diseases and helps to strengthen plants before and after biological fight against diseases. On the other hand, 15% copper chelate fertilizer is also important due to its favorable effects in the prevention and control of pests in plants. However, it should be noted that in the face of bacterial, viral, etc. diseases, it is necessary to take timely action with the opinion of experts and carry out specific instructions to fight each disease, which must be done at the right time.

In order to consume our manufactured fertilizers in these seasons in the form of chalkood, it is recommended to do chalkood at the end of the winter season, because the products have high absorption and are not suitable for autumn deep placement. Also, in the autumn season and after harvesting, it is possible to use products such as zinc complex fertilizer, Sepehr 3 fertilizer (zinc + boron + nitrogen + organic matter), nitrogen fertilizer 20% and absorbable potassium fertilizer 35% in the form of foliar spraying. which should be done before the leaves turn yellow and fall completely. In crops that are grown in these seasons, it is possible to use crops before winter dormancy, and it is recommended to use 35% absorbable potassium fertilizer and complex calcium fertilizer to strengthen the plant against frost.

Considering the sensitivity of the amount of fertilizer used in greenhouses, it is necessary to avoid using too little or too much, or consider the conditions of the greenhouse (such as soil or non-soil cultivation, type of cultivation, water quality, etc.) experts to be arranged. It is also important to pay attention to nutrition before planting. But in general, after cultivation, attention should be paid to the composition of fertilizers for use in sources and for use in the irrigation method. All our products can be used as foliar spraying in greenhouses. And if you need to add our fertilizers in root fertilization or weekly irrigation fertilizer is recommended; pH must be measured, especially in hydroponic systems. Because according to the acidity of the products, there may be no need to add double acid to the system. Also, start fertilizing with a minimum dose and gradually increase it so that the best dose is obtained according to the conditions of the greenhouse. The minimum dose is 1 to 2 kg per 1000 square meters. During the growth period, it is recommended to use calcium complex fertilizer alone and magnesium chelate fertilizer, super micro complete 13 element fertilizer and 10% iron chelate fertilizer with organic matter at the same time.

All 3 of our iron chelate products have similar effects for iron deficiency and contain 10-12% iron chelate. The main difference between these products is in their auxiliary elements. For example, 10% iron chelate fertilizer with organic matter; It contains iron chelate and organic matter, which can be used to eliminate iron deficiency in garden, agricultural and greenhouse products. 10% enriched iron chelate fertilizer also contains 8 auxiliary elements for better iron absorption in addition to iron chelate. The habits of iron deficiency are similar to the deficiency of elements such as manganese, magnesium and nitrogen, and there is a possibility of simultaneous deficiency of these elements and iron deficiency. Therefore, in this situation, the enriched iron chelate fertilizer can eliminate chlorosis or yellowness caused by the simultaneous lack of elements similar to iron. In general, it is recommended to use our products as a foliar spray when iron deficiency occurs, and to prevent iron deficiency, it is recommended to use it as an irrigation fertilizer.
Related explanations in differential diagnosis of iron deficiency with other elements:
Characteristics of iron deficiency in the plant: yellowing of leaves, veins remaining green, appearing in young leaves
Differential diagnosis of iron deficiency with other elements:
· Nitrogen: uniform yellowing of the whole leaf, appearing in old leaves
· Magnesium: yellowing between the veins, paleness of the edges of the leaves, appearing first in old leaves
· Manganese: creating yellow lines in the leaves, the veins of the leaves remaining green, the tips and edges of the leaves remaining green

The dosage of the products varies depending on the soil and water conditions, the plant's needs, the lack of elements, the way of feeding in the past periods, etc. which should be chosen according to experts' opinion and food plan and used at the right time with the correct dose to see the desired effectiveness. But in general, the average consumption of powdered products can be expressed as follows:
The average consumption of crops by seed method is 200 grams of fertilizer per 200 kg of seeds
Average consumption in crops using traditional irrigation or flood irrigation method: 6 to 10 kg
Average consumption in crops by Fertigation method in drip irrigation system: 4 to 6 kg
Average consumption in crops by foliar spraying: 2 to 3 kg per 1000 liters of water

Average consumption of garden products using traditional irrigation or flood irrigation method: 8 to 12 kg
Average consumption in garden products by irrigation fertilizer method in drip irrigation system: 6 to 10 kg
Average consumption in garden products by foliar spraying: 2-3 kg per thousand liters of water
Average consumption in garden products by DeepPlacement method: 50 to 100 grams of base per mature tree

Average consumption in greenhouse products by irrigation fertilizer method: 1 to 2 kg per 1000 square meters
Average consumption in greenhouse products by foliar spraying: 1 to 3 kg per thousand liters of water

In plants, chlorophyll is responsible for green leaves. When the plant has a problem in the production of chlorophyll, the leaves turn pale and yellow, and this condition is called Chlorosis or yellowness.
When plant cells die due to various conditions such as pests, stresses, nutritional problems, etc.; Signs appear in the leaves, which are brown in color like burns and a sign of the loss of plant tissue in that part, which is called Necrosis.