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Nutrition in Fruit set


Fruitset refers to the period of time that causes reproductive buds and flower production, or in other words, the stages of flower and fruit formation. The important thing is that with proper nutrition in these stages, you can improve egg formation and development, improve germination, increase effective pollination in spring, increase the resistance of buds to cold, improve flowering and increase the quality and quantity in formation. It became a fruit.
Because in the year of the tree's fruitfulness; The number of reproductive buds will be more and the production of flowers will be more, and in the year of low fertility, the number of reproductive buds will be low or the tree will not produce any reproductive buds. Therefore, to solve this problem, it is necessary to try to reduce the minimum production interval between the annual and non-annual trees by providing proper nutrition at times that are effective in germination and fruit formation.
Due to the important metabolic role that micronutrient elements have in the vegetative and reproductive stages of plants; Along with the consumption of macro fertilizers, they have a great impact on the performance and quality of garden products. It is very important to pay attention to elements such as nitrogen, calcium, zinc, boron, iron, manganese, etc. in fruit formation, fruit durability and preventing it from falling.

Fertilization during Fruit set Stages

The time steps that are effective in this direction and fertilization in the form of foliar spraying is recommended include the following:

     1) After harvest and before leaf fall (as long as the leaves are green)
     Foliar of Comple Zinc Fertilizer or Sepehr 3 Fertilizer (Zinc + Boron + Nitrogen + OM), Complex Calcium Fertilizer, Absorption Potassium Fertilizer 35%
    2) before Budding
     Foliar Sepehr 3 Fertilizer (Zinc+Boron+Nitrogen+OM) Super Micro Plus Fertilizer
    3) After fruit formation
     Foliar of Enriched Chelated Iron Fertilizer, Complex Calcium Fertilizer, Complex Zinc Fertilizer and irrigation of Absorption Phosphorus Fertilizer 25% with OM

It should be noted that based on the type of tree and conditions, the importance of using recommended fertilizers is different, for example in pistachio trees; After harvesting, paying attention to zinc and calcium is especially important. However, a general recommendation for fruit orchards includes foliar application of zinc, boron and nitrogen elements (Sephehr 3 fertilizer) after harvest and especially bud swelling, which can be used in combination with Super Micro Plus Fertilizer.

FruitSet ZnB Complex

This product has a complex of zinc, boron and nitrogen elements along with organic materials with high absorbency, which is recommended for use before flowering. One of the benefits of using this fertilizer is to increase flowering, prevent blossoms from falling, and turn flowers into fruits.


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