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Anticancer properties of fruit


According to the findings of researchers, grapes contain twenty types of known antioxidants that prevent the attacks of oxygen free radicals that cause disease. These antioxidants are present in the skin and seeds, and the darker the skin, the stronger the antioxidants are. This means that red and purple grapes and their juice are stronger.
Chemically, oranges are considered a rich source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the important factors that inhibit cancer, so this vitamin is known as a strong enemy against one of the known carcinogens, namely nitrosamines.
In addition to preventing stomach cancer, consuming a lot of oranges is also effective in preventing other types of cancer. Including esophageal cancer in people who eat a lot of oranges, 50% less than people who consume it less or don't eat it at all. Also, the rate of pancreatic cancer in orange consumers is at the lowest level. Orange is so rich in carotenoid, flavonoid and vitamin C antioxidants that members of the National Cancer Society consider it a complete package of any natural and known anti-cancer inhibitors. called cancer
Beta-carotene and indole present in cabbage plays a role in its anti-cancer properties. Among them, broccoli is more effective in preventing cancer and this anti-cancer property is due to the presence of more antioxidant substances.
Studies have shown that those who have used more vegetables, especially the cabbage family, are less likely to get colon cancer. Talcott and her husband, Dr. Steve Talcott, tested mango polyphenol extract in the laboratory on colon, breast, lung, blood and prostate cancer cells.
Polyphenols are substances that are related to health. Researchers found that mangoes have effects on lung, blood and prostate cancers, but they have the greatest effect on breast and colon cancers, which are the most common cancers.
The results of a research show that people who eat a lot of strawberries get the least amount of cancers. Berries have antioxidants and vitamin C.
The beta-carotene present in a medium carrot, which enters the body daily, even among people who have smoked a lot, reduces the risk of lung cancer by half.
Onions are rich in antioxidants. They are useful in preventing cancer, especially stomach cancer. Red and yellow onions (with the exception of white onions) are the richest food in terms of the antioxidant quercetin.
 Quercetin is a well-known antioxidant that prevents the activity of carcinogens and enzymes that cause the development of cancer. According to many researches, spinach and its compounds eliminate diseases caused by free radicals, including cancer.
One of the most significant antioxidants in spinach is lutein. Eating a cup of raw spinach or half a cup of cooked spinach daily reduces the possibility of lung cancer by half.
Tomatoes are the richest and indeed the only significant source of the antioxidant, lycopene. Research conducted in Germany indicates that a high amount of lycopene in the blood reduces the possibility of pancreatic and cervical cancers.
During the recent experiments in Italy, people who eat a lot of raw tomatoes; The rate of gastrointestinal cancers in them compared to those who consume the least amount of tomatoes; It is only half a percent. The ingredients in tomatoes, which include p-coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid, prevent the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines.
Eggplant skin has anti-cancer properties. Eggplant skin is rich in antioxidant compounds that make body cells resistant to premature aging. The presence of phenol in eggplant skin prevents the formation of cancerous tissues in the body by preventing disorders in DNA.
Eating apples is effective in preventing colon cancer. A study by a research institute in Strasbourg, France has shown that apples contain antioxidant substances that prevent the growth of cancer cells and the cells that have cancer potential. They are becoming, it destroys. Scientists recommend to consume 2 apples daily to protect the body against colon cancer.
By evaluating the chemical content of apple skin, researchers found a group of plant chemical compounds that have been proven to have a protective effect against at least three types of human cancer cells, including breast, colon, and liver cancers.
A wide range of studies in this field have been conducted on the anti-cancer properties of a group of phytochemicals called phenolics, which are mainly found in the seeds and skins of fruits and vegetables. Apple is one of the most important sources of phenolic compounds. According to researchers, the major part of this anti-cancer and anti-disease effect in apples is related to the useful compounds in its skin, and accordingly, apples should be considered as a rich source of nutrients and antioxidants.

Foods and fruits with anti-cancer properties:
Tomatoes, broccoli and other cabbages, avocados, berries, soybeans, tea, pumpkins, spinach, garlic, pineapples, apples, oranges, red grapes, turmeric, red beets, carrots.