Beans Specific Fertilizer
Vegetables Specific Fertilizer
The liquid Fertilizer for Vegetables has a special formulation of macro and micro elements according to the nutritional needs of this plant and is used as a general nutritional supplement and improves the growth of this plant. This fertilizer can be used as foliar spraying and irrigation fertilizer in the growth stages.
Advantage :
Increasing chlorophyllation
Increasing the number of harvest
Increased durability and shelf life
Improving the taste and quality of the product
Ingredients (w/w) :
N 5%, K 1%, Fe 3%, Zn 3%
How to use Special Fertilizer for Vegetables
Foliar & Irrigation
2-3 Liters in 1000 liters of water
4-8 Liters per Hectare
Time of Use
Step 4-6 leaves, Mid-Growth and 10–15 days before harvest
Attention The recommended amounts are based on the age and type of plant, the degree of deficiency and different conditions.
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