Chelated Copper Fertilizer

Copper 15 % powder fertilizer produced by Sepehr Parmis Company contains absorbable Copper ion.

Advantage :

Fixing Copper deficiency very quickly
Increasing the permeability of the cell wall
Increasing the process of reduction nitrate to ammonium
Increase in cell permeability and process of regeneration, nitrate to ammonium
Activating plant enzymes such as cytochrome oxidase, ascorbic acid oxidase, phenol oxidase and..
Prevent the diffusion of fungal diseases such as Shot Hole Disease, Damping Off Disease and ...
Effective in tolerance increasing to Bacterial diseases like fire blight in apple and pear and bacterial canker
Reduced branch wilt disease In Citrus and Pistachios …
Reduce the Citrus Dieback Disease in citrus and stone fruits

Ingredients (Analysis) :

N 5%, Cu 15%

chelate copper fertilizer

Foliar, Irrigation & DeepPlacement


1 Kg in 1000 liters of water


1-3 Kg per Hectare

Time of Use

All Plant Growth Stages except Flowering Time


15 gr per tree