Chelated Zinc Fertilizer
Liquid Copper Fertilizer
Advantage :
Fixing Copper deficiency very quickly
Increasing the permeability of the cell wall
Increasing the process of reduction nitrate to ammonium
Increase in cell permeability and process of regeneration, nitrate to ammonium
Activating plant enzymes such as cytochrome oxidase, ascorbic acid oxidase, phenol oxidase and..
Prevent the diffusion of fungal diseases
Ingredients (w/w) :
N 4%, Cu 7%
How to use liquid Copper fertilizer
Foliar & Irrigation
2 Liters in 1000 liters of water
4-6 Liters per Hectare
Time of Use
All Plant Growth Stages except Flowering Time
Attention The recommended amounts are based on the age and type of plant, the degree of deficiency and different conditions.
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