Chelated Magnesium Fertilizer

Chelated Magnesium powder Fertilizer has 7% absorbable Magnesium ion.

Advantage :

Magnesium deficiency Treatment in areas with high rainfall
Essential in photosynthesis and affecting in metabolism of nitrogen and phosphorus
Effective in nuclei formation in nucleated fruits
Increase marketability of the agricultural products
Improve the color of products
Increase oil content in oilseeds
Transfer sugar from leaf to tuber, especially in sugar beet
Possibility to use in the forms of deep placement, in irrigation water and foliar spraying
Usability on all crops, orchards, greenhouses and pasture plants

Ingredients (Analysis) :

Mg 7%

chelate magnesium fertilizer

Foliar, Irrigation & DeepPlacement


1-2 Kg in 1000 liters of water


2-4 Kg per Hectare

Time of Use

All Plant Growth Stages except Flowering Time


10-30 gr per tree