Corn Specific Fertilizer

The liquid Fertilizer for Corn has a special formulation of macro and micro elements according to the nutritional needs of this plant and is used as a general nutritional supplement and improves the growth of this plant. This fertilizer can be used as foliar spraying and irrigation fertilizer in the growth stages.

Advantage :

Increases the height of corn plants and improves insemination
Increasing grain density and creating a row order of grains on the ear axis
Avoiding free space on the cornfield

Ingredients (w/w) :

N 3%, K 1%, Mg 0.5%, Fe 2%, Zn 3%, Cu 0.25%, Mn 3%


Foliar & Irrigation


2-3 Liters in 1000 liters of water


4-8 Liters per Hectare

Time of Use

Steps 3-4 leaves, 6-8 leaves, before the appearance of the first male inflorescence and grain filling