Liquid NPK+AA

Liquid Amino NPK fertilizer is in the form of a suspension and contains consumables from three primary Elements, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), which is complexed with organic matter and amino acids (A.A), which is better absorbed and rapid effectiveness. This fertilizer treatment of essential macronutrients and enhances photosynthesis in the plant, also increases vegetative growth, rooting, flowering and is used to improve the quality and quantity of Fruits. This fertilizer is useful for uniform and continuous nutrition during the Plant growth Stages. Due to its amino acids, it stimulates growth and increases resistance to environmental stress. NPK+A.A can be used in all crops, Trees and greenhouse crops in the form of irrigation and foliar Applications.

Ingredients (w/v) :

N 5%, P 5%, K 5%, OM 3%, Free Amino Acid 5%

How to use liquid Amino NPK fertilizer


Foliar & Irrigation


2-3 Liters in 1000 liters of water


10-20 Liters per Hectare

Time of Use

During the entire stages of plant growth

Benefits of Using liquid Amino NPK fertilizer

  • Suitable for uniform nutrition during the growing Stages of plants
  • Treating deficiency of Primary macro elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
  • Complex with amino acids and stimulating plant growth
  • Improves the resistance of plants in environmental stress