The Role and Useful Effects of Amino Acids in Plants:
Amino Acids; They are organic compounds and a subset of proteins that help plants absorb nutrients better. Amino acids play a significant role in plant performance and are divided into essential (cannot be synthesized by plants) and non-essential (can be synthesized by plants). Due to the ease in the process of absorbing amino acids; The energy of the plants is preserved more. One of the important properties of amino acids is their role in the synthesis of chlorophyll and subsequently improving photosynthesis and improving growth factors in plants. In addition to this, amino acids also have the property of chelating nutrients, which helps to improve their absorption when used with other fertilizers containing micronutrients. Amino acids are useful in the critical times of the plant when there are limitations to obtain proper nutrition, and it helps the growth and development of plants by using foliar spraying and absorption through the air holes and leaves.
Amino acids that are mostly used in agriculture; Contains aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine, glycine, histidine, arginine, tyrosine, alanine, proline, threonine, valine, cysteine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, methionine and lysine. These amino acids have significant effects on chlorophyll synthesis, pollination, resistance to environmental stress and germination, and depending on the type and application, they are used in the formulation of amino acid fertilizers.