Liquid Amino Acid Fertilizer

Advantage :

Liquid Amino Acid Fertilizer; It Contains A High Concentration Of Amino Acids That Are Easily Available To All Types of Crops, Trees, Green House Product And Ornamental Plants And Has A High Absorption Capacity. By Regulating The Plant Metabolism, This Fertilizer Improves The Quality, Early Ripening And Coloring Of The Fruits, And By Stimulating The Vegetative Growth Of The Aerial Organs, It Causes The Development Of Roots, Improvement In Germination, Flowering And Fruit Volume. Amino Acids Are The Basis For Increasing The Absorption Of Macro And Micro Nutrients And In Combination With Other Fertilizers Improve Their Effectiveness. This Fertilizer Can Be Used By Foliar And Irrigation Application. Due To Its Chelating Properties; When Used As Fertigation, It Improves The Activity Of Useful Soil MicroOrganisms And Provides More Nutrients To The Plant. Foliar Spraying Of This Product Also Has Beneficial Effects During Growth Stages And Is Effective In Improving The Defense System Of Plants And Increasing Resistance To Environmental Stresses such as Drought, Frost and Diseases.

Ingredients (w/v) :

Free Amino Acid (A.A) 25%, Fe 1.7%, Zn1.7%

Instructions for using liquid amino acid fertilizer


Foliar & Irrigation


2-3 Liters in 1000 liters of water


10-20 Liters per Hectare

Time of Use

All Plant Growth Stages except Flowering Time