Chelated Iron Fertilizer
Complete House Plant Fertilizer
Advantage :
This fertilizer is for all house and apartment plants and contains 13 essential macro and micro elements required and necessary for all plants. Fertilizer for houseplants prevents and treats deficiencies of elements. The packaging of this fertilizer is 50 grams with low and easy consumption.
Ingredients (Analysis) :
N 4%, P 1%, K 4%, Mg 0.5%, S 3.5%, Ca 0.7%, Fe 3%, Zn 2.8%, Cu 0.5%, Mn 1%, B 0.2%, Mo 0.1%, OC 10%, OM 15%
Foliar & Irrigation
2 gr (half a teaspoon) in one liter of water
4 gr (one teaspoon) in one liter of water
Time of Use
Every 15 Days, use the prepared solution (fertilizer + water) as much as the water consumed by the plant
Attention The recommended amounts are based on the age and type of plant, the degree of deficiency and different conditions.
Attention Do not use during rest (stopping growth). For pots that have cocopeat or perlite instead of soil, it is recommended to use fertilizer by foliar spraying.
Foliar In case of spraying the fertilizer solution, only the stem and leaves should be sprayed. Avoid spraying flowers. Avoid spraying on plants with hairy leaves such as geranium, begonia, etc., as well as African violets, bamboo and cactus and plants with bright flowers.
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