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Studying the effect of foliar spraying of some micronutrients based on nano-chelate on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Abbasali pistachio cultivar


Thesis Details

  • Thesis title: Responses of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to Biological, Bulk, and Nano Fertilizers
  • Thesis level: Master's degree
  • Supervisor: Dr.Hossein Hokm Abadi
  • Advisor: Dr.ZarrinTaj Alipour
  • Author: Hasan Avaz Abadian
  • Source: Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch, Fall 2012.
نانو چیست

Thesis summary

In order to investigate the effect of foliar spraying of some micronutrients with nanochelate base on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Abbas Ali pistachio cultivar, two experiments were conducted at two different times in a randomized complete block design, each with three replications and three treatments, in 2012. In the first experiment, solutions of zinc and boron with nanochelate base, and regular zinc and boron and water as controls were applied at the time of bud swelling. In the second experiment, which included two stages, solutions of microcomplete with nanochelate base and regular microcomplete were applied to the trees at two times: when endocarp growth and ossification were completed, and when embryo growth was completed and endosperm digestion was complete. During this experiment, quantitative and qualitative traits including: leaf size, leaf area, leaf drop, chlorophyll, percentage of leaf mineral elements, leaf area, fluorescence, etc. were measured and compared with the control and the effects of treatments on these traits were compared. The results showed that in the first experiment, the number of remaining buds and the growth of branches of the current year increased threefold compared to the control treatment. The weight of healthy and healthy pistachios kernels increased by 29%, phosphorus by 0.05%, calcium by 0.08, zinc by 2 mg/kg, Fm by 24 units in the second stage of measurement, the number of seeds in the cluster by 22%, and fruit set by 16%. In the tail experiment, the amount of leaf iron increased by 6%, zinc by 5%, manganese by 13%, the percentage of healthy and healthy pistachios kernels by 30%, the percentage of healthy and healthy pistachios kernels by 27%, the percentage of dry pistachios with bone skin by 15%, the percentage of pest-infested and spoiled pistachios by 60%, and total chlorophyll a and b, as well as Fm and Fv, increased in the first stage compared to the control treatment, and the percentage of deformed and closed pistachios decreased by 0.5%, which indicates the absorption of micronutrients by the leaves of the pistachio tree.

کاربرد نانوکودها
The effect of treatments on zinc
کاربرد نانوکودها
The effect of treatments on manganese
کاربرد نانوکودها
Effect of treatments on chlorophyll

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