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The effect of Parmis nanofertilizer on the performance characteristics of Calendula officinalis plant


Article and Author Details

  • Article title: The effect of Parmis nanofertilizer on the performance characteristics of Calendula officinalis plant
  • Authors: Askar Ghani, Atefeh Darakhshandeh, Saeedeh Mohtashami, Mohammad Esmaeil Pour
  • Source: The 9th Iranian Congress of Horticultural Sciences 2015
The 9th Iranian Congress of Horticultural Sciences

Article summary

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of nano-fertilizer Parmis on the yield indicators of the medicinal plant (Calendula officinalis L.). To conduct this study, a factorial experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design with 2 factors and 5 replications. The first factor included 5 fertilizer concentrations of 0-1-2-3-4 per thousand, with zero concentration being considered as the control, and the second factor was the frequency of foliar spraying once a week and once every two weeks. The most important yield indicators included plant height, number of lateral branches, flower diameter, number of flowers, flower dry weight, and flower yield. The results of this study showed that some of the measured factors including plant height, flower diameter, and number of flowers were affected by the treatments. In general, according to the results of this study, the application of nano-fertilizer Parmis with a concentration of one per thousand as a weekly foliar spray or a concentration of three per thousand every two weeks is recommended to improve the yield indicators of the Calendula officinalis plant.

effect of sepehr parmis nano fertilizer

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